Monday, March 3, 2014

The Parent Panel Reaction

              Tuesday, February 25th, was a different class in SED 407 for many reasons. We were learning a new observation method, talking to parents, and reviewing our experiences in the neighborhood. For the purpose of this blog post, I want to focus in on the parent panel and the reactions I had while listening to the parents.

               I found the parent panel to be highly informative for my future teaching years. In the Secondary Education courses that I have taken there was never a real importance placed on the communication between the teacher and the parent. I had always assumed that there would be some kind of communication either emails when students were misbehaving or missing assignments or during parent-teacher conferences. I was pleasantly surprised to learn about the application of constant, or monthly, communication that is being applied in CF with parents. The teachers are making it a point to talk to the parents and establish a relationship with them. The parents talked a lot about respect and earning that respect from the parents, which will in turn lead to respect from the students. When the teacher takes the time to get to know the family, they will also be taking the time to learn about the student and where they came from. Therefore, the teacher is ultimately getting to know the student in another way than only asking them through an Interest Inventory.

               The parents want the teacher to talk to them! This concept has been in my mind for the past week because of how simple it sounds, but yet this is the first time that is being talked about in depth. The parents want to know what is going on with their children and the teachers are the only ones who spend the most time with the students. There must be a relationship established with the parents. If the teacher took a few minutes out of their day to call a few of the parents and give them an update on their child, the parent would be beyond grateful. One thing that really stood out to me was that some parents can’t always respond to emails or answer phone calls because of work or lack of computer. The parents and professors said that it was okay to reach out to them in person! Go to see the parents in their home! That sounds like such an easy concept but I had never considered it when thinking about reaching out to parents or families. I believe that if teachers reach out the parents and families of their students, then the student has another to help them succeed better in school.

               For the image below, I started off by Google-ing “parents and teachers working together”. I believe that the image that I found suites the theme of my post. If parents, teachers, and students all work together, then there is a better chance for the student to be successful. When it all comes down to it, teachers are there to help their students succeed, and a relationship with the parent and student are vital components to helping that student succeed! 

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